Last week I noticed that when my Windows 7 Quadcore 6600 + nvidia GTX 260 PC was resuming from hibernation , a window was popping up , informing me that the system resumed from a blue screen .
The window was reffering to sth like "Problem event name : Bluescreen , bbcode : 116" . The system was stable for two years now and no absolutely no h/w or s/w modification was made recently.
A closer inspection to the problem made me notice that when I was powering on the system from the power button the system was always crashing , with the familiar blue screen and a memory dump, and then the system was restarting.... BUT , the curious thing was that uppon this second restart (the one after the initial power up and the BSOD) the system was booting fine!
During the BSOD and the memory dump the Windows 7 informs me that the file responsible for the BSOD is the nvlddmkm.sys. This is graphics card related file , namely an nvidia driver file. So the problem is somehow connected to the Graphics Card. A quick googling for this file came up with thousands of similar problems
Alas, no 100% solution is (for now) availiable. Based on various suggestions I collected from the internet , I tried to:
1. Completely uninstall and reinstall the nvidia drivers , even from safe mode. Not working!
2. Reset the BIOS, upgrade the BIOS firmware. Not working!
3. Disable the 2nd monitor. Not working!
4. Unplug all the USB devices before shutting down. Not working!
5. Inserting into the registry lines like Tdrddidelay=14 etc etc . Not working!
6.Force-installing a plain vanilla VGA driver.
Actually the (6) option works. If you do this , then he system shutdowns and powers up perfect without BSOD's , but of course a modern computer is useless with such an archail VGA display so (6) is not a real solution.
Finally there is an 7th option ( I found out myself by accident) that works every time but it is a bit awkward , a little bit "manual" - not a real solution - just a remedy...
The quick-fix remedy is this: When you are powering up the system (from the case button) you must remember to RESET with ctrl+alt+del ONCE THE PC IS STILL in the bios post screen AND BEFORE Windows starts loading and more specifically about at the time that the BIOS shows the HDDs installed in the system.
When you do this "double reset" procedure the systems powers up perfectly without blue screens EVERY TIME!
I know this is crazy - but I also know this works! Just try it!
If anyone else has a real solution please post it here. The "double reseting" is not convinient and to be honest it only masks the problems , which in reality still exists....
UPDATE : The final solution has been equally awkward or "When everything else fails - it's the hardware stupid!! I change the power supply of the PC , to a new powerfull one and just for the heck of it I also change the CPU Fan to a biggger and more silent one.
...and presto! the bluescreens dissapearred!
seems that the PSU wasnt supplying enough powerjuice , at least when cold-booted and that caused hardware problems to the Graphics Card.
So the final solution to the "Bluescreens with nvlddmkm.sys and bbcode : 116 messages..." is : CHANGE your Power Supply!!
6 σχόλια:
Or you could install Ubuntu.
«…Μα το κοστούμι που μου ράψατε μού κάθεται λίγο περίεργα.»
«Δεν πειράζει, θα έχεις το δεξί χέρι κάπως έτσι, το αριστερό να πιάνει τη μέση σου, το δεξί πόδι λυγισμένο μόνιμα στις 25°, το αριστερό πάντα τεντωμένο, και δεμένα όλα τα κουμπιά εκτός από το δεύτερο από πάνω.»
Και όταν μετά βγήκε έξω ο πελάτης, ένας μάγκας από το απέναντι καφενείο τον βλέπει να περπατάει, και φωνάζει:
«…Άλα κοστουμιά ο σακάτης!»
Φαρμακόγλωσσες και οι δυό σας , δεν θα βρεθείτε στην ανάγκη μου; Θα σας ποδοπατήσω σαν εκείνα τα αντιπαθητικά μερμήγκια που είναι τριπλάσια σε μέγεθος από τα συνηθισμένα και το κεφάλι τους κρέμεται από μια κλωστή από το σώμα τους και πηγαινοέρχεται σε σχέση με το σώμα των , όπως τα κουκλάκια που βεντουζώνουν στα τζάμια....
Θα σας λειώσω!
Everyone knows that Windows, in order to run, require every component of your computer to be more powerful. The Power Supply Unit couldn't be an exception.
Πάλι άρχισες τις προστυχιές; Τρλό αγόρι....
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