Στο σημερινό μου άρθρο θα παρουσιάσω την εξήγηση καθώς και μερικούς τρόπους για να λυθεί η να μετριασθεί το πρόβλημα. Όπως και στα προηγούμενα μου άρθρα σχετικά με τα Vista , η γλώσσα του κειμένου μου θα είναι η αγγλική , για να βοηθηθεί περισσότερος κόσμος.
Windows Vista : Very Slow Network Copy ,
Freezing Video Playback in Network Drives.
THE PROBLEM : Network copy between two computers in a local network is slow and unreliable when the computer that serves the files is running Windows Vista. Additionaly video playback freezes when the video file is located on a Vista Network Drive
THE (PARTIAL) SOLUTION : The root of the problem can be traced to the new TCP/IP stack that Microsoft implemented in the New OS. The problem now is that the new TCP stack dynamically changes the "TcpWindowSize" parameter as the packets flow to their destination . Why is that a problem? Many network devices are affected by this behaviour and as a result the network slows down instead of operating more efficiently.I have noticed that the problem is more severe if you initiate the copy from a Windows XP machine.
So if you have Windows Vista and:
- You have a COMPLETELY NORMAL Web browsing experience BUT
- Slow or no network file server access.
- Slow copy between your local computers.
- DNS Lookup problems
- Freezings when you play a media file located on a Vista Computer in the Local Network
If you have some ar all of the above , then you have a TCP Window size incompatibility problem between your home router and your Vista PC. The best solution is to buy new network equipment (switch, router etc) that is compatible with the new stack , but this costs money.
Microsoft have provided a way to disable the new TCP stack method as follows.
From a command prompt try to enter the following commands :
netsh interface tcp set global rss=disabled
netsh interface tcp set global chimney=disabled
netsh interface tcp set global autotuning level=disabled
netsh interface tcp set global congestionprovider=none
netsh interface tcp set global ecncapability=disabled
netsh interface tcp set global timestamps=disabled
The complete "set global" sub-parameter of the netsh interface is syntaxed as :
set global [[rss=]disabledenableddefault]
[[autotuninglevel=]disabledhighlyrestrictedrestrictednormalexperimental] [[congestionprovider=]nonectcpdefault]
Unfortunatelly , in many cases the problem is not solved even with the above command. I have no software solution yet, but I have found that switching off the internal vista firewall helps also a lot.
If you have found an even better solution please leave me a post , thank you.
1 σχόλιο:
U rock !!!! it works !!
But on th third line, there is a word too much. I had to leave 'level' out, just autotuning=disabled.
But omg, it works !! Now i can finally say I like Vista, my last gripe is gone :)
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